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From the Executive Director: Hundreds Enjoy KSCA Conference

By Kathy Davis | March 2018

The Kentucky School Counselor Association held our 49th conference at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington on February 21-23, 2018. We had 400 attendees, and all had a good time and great educational experience.

We offered 48 breakout sessions over a day and a half and had three excellent general speakers. Our opening keynote speaker on Thursday was Dr. Trish Hatch, who spoke about the importance of using data in school counseling.

On Thursday afternoon, speaker Dr. Brett Zyromski emphasized the positive impact school counselors have on accountability in our schools when using evidenced-based, data-driven school counseling programs.

Our closing speaker on Friday was Rosalind Wiseman, the author of “Queen Bees and Wannabes.” She talked about her belief that each person has a responsibility to treat themselves and others with dignity and gave us ideas on how to help young people solve their difficult, yet common, social challenges.

We were also honored to have as our guest and luncheon speaker Dr. Stephen Pruitt, Kentucky commissioner of education. Dr. Pruitt is a huge supporter of school counselors and has hired a person to exclusively work with school counselors for the first time since 1990. He spoke of revising the standards of Kentucky School Counselors to more closely match the ASCA National Model.

Plan now to attend KSCA’s 50th Annual Conference, February 19-21, 2019, in Lexington.